Alongside technique, the tactical aspect and game awareness have proved to be decisive factors for good team performance. This means that it is important to develop a culture of tactical thinking from a young age, for example:
· Awareness of playing zones
· Principles of zonal play
· Occupying the pitch appropriately
· Finding a balance in the team between attack and defense
· The idea of transition: immediate reorganization in defense after loss of possession and quickly launching attacks when possession is regained
· Optimal use of the width of the pitch
· Optimizing wing play
· Ability to effectively put pressure on the player in possession
But also: – The ability to keep the ball, even under pressure, by short passes with a minimum number of touches of the ball and in reduced space
· Switching rapidly from zonal marking to a one-on-one situation
· The ability to change formation during the course of a match
In order to do this, the coach needs to:
· Propose a game plan
· Define the tactical principles depending on whether the team has possession or not
· Continually refer to these principles in every training session, both with simple exercises and repetitive drills or by practical application in different training games